The following Education Modules have been developed as training and learning resources for Brightshores staff, physicians, affiliates and students. If you have any questions please contact Learning Resources at 519-376-2121 ext. 2105:
Click the link to review the steps needed to run Explorer and Discern reports that are available to you based on your security settings.
How to place a physician order : FirstNet Physician Ordering
Infection Prevention and Control during Construction, Renovation, and Maintenance
This module demonstrates the steps needed to complete medication history on your patient and your role in documenting Admission, Transfer and Discharge Medication Reconciliation.
Allied Health Professionals generally use a Multi-Patient Task List (MPTL) for patient referrals. The MPTL also allows you to document when follow up is needed so the patient is put back on the MPTL for further review.
How to set up your MPTL: Multi-Patient Task List
Review or complete the e-learning course: PowerChart
This module is a modified version of the full PowerChart Training and includes specific items directed to Providers such as Physicians and Nurse Practitioners. PowerChart is the ordering and result viewing system at Brightshores Health System (Brightshores) for both inpatients and outpatients. PowerChart allows you to find and open a patient’s electronic chart, view patient information, place orders and view lab values and clinical results.
Review or complete the e-learning course: Provider PowerChart Orientation
Review or complete the e-learning course: PowerOrders
Review or complete the e-learning course: PowerPlan Ordersets
How to place a Temporary Alert Code order: Temporary Alert Code Order (*Brightshores ONLY)